Outing to Chedworth October 11th
What a fabulous visit. The outing could not have been arranged on a finer day, the sun shone, the sky was cloudless, and 19 members had a brilliant morning learning about the history of Chedworth Roman Villa.
Our guide was Mike Spittle who is also a member of our group and a guide and volunteer at Chedworth. We learnt
about the remains of an ancient hypocaust system (underfloor heating) and made our offerings to the water goddess at the Water Shrine. A natural spring, which still runs today brought life to the Villa feeding the bath houses, kitchen and latrine,
Our final destination was the West Bath House, the Long Corridor Mosaic and the Grand Dining Room. A debate ensued as to whether the Romans would have engaged in mixed bathing or not!
Many thanks to Gillian and Mike for such an interesting morning.
