Surprise at St Andrew's Shrivenham
Numbers attending the first of the winter talks were swelled with several Shrivenham residents as Dr Margaret Andrews  shared her account...
Surprise at St Andrew's Shrivenham
Waddesdon- an excellent outing
Conservate – a Heritage Skills Conference – Friday 20th September 2024
Picnic at Buscot House- on the hottest day of the year!
Secrets of Coleshill
Dorney Court - a gem of a house
Spring Holiday
Midsummer coffee morning
Charlecote Manor
Owlpen, a secret gem
Hello Heelis
Members enjoyed a wonderful variety of skilful wildlife and astro photography
Bat conservation and the Universe
News from our area from Sarah Hannis
Coffee at the Lakes
Working the Windmill at Wilton
Our oldest active member of the UTRNTA
Tolkien- was Lord of theRings set here?
New Year Lunch
National Trust Matters