Andy Beer, the Director of Operations and Consultancy for the National Trust started off the 2024 talks in great style at Lechlade Memorial Hall on the 18th of January. The hall was full of members and friends who learned a great deal about just how the National Trust works.
No revenue funding is available from the Government for the 30, 000 buildings and the 250,000 hectares of land cared for by the National Trust.
Andy spoke about the need to look back, as well as forward when planning repairs, maintenance and conservation of properties, whilst also making them available for the public to continue to visit. There are changes being made to advance the use of websites and electronic information, thus saving costs on printed matter, such as the hand books and magazines.
There are now large numbers of families who are members of the National Trust in response to changes in attitudes and  the provision of greater facilities. The Trust values greatly its staff of which there is a high percentage of younger people and the many thousands of volunteers of all ages.
Three projects were used to illustrate the challenges facing the Trust.
The first concerned, land management and the conflict of interest in the Lake District: that is flood prevention, tourism, land management and its position in the National Park, and as a UNESCO site. After much debate, a solution was reached to enable the tenant farmer to graze his cows on part of the site, and the river to be diverted to prevent flooding in its lower courses. An extra bonus is that otters moved in and wildlife flourishedThe second was the decision to be made about Clandon Park, decimated by fire. Should it be restored, rebuilt or demolished? After wide consultation the decision has been made to partially restore it and to develop the remainder as a multipurpose site.
Thirdly, he dealt with the subject of tree, replacement and land management at the Sherborne estate. The types of trees to be planted must be suitable for the present environment and also for the future which we face with climate change.
Andy willingly answered questions on a wide range of NT related topics from members who welcomed the up to date information and the insight into the current thinking.
