UTRNTA Visit to Heelis (the central office and headquarters of the Nation Trust) – 25th April 2024
Very nearly forty of us boarded the coach at Cirencester and then Highworth for the relatively short trip to the centre of Swindon and the architecturally renown central offices of the National trust.
We were taken round in two groups and able to admire the wonderful use of timber from woodlands in the care of the NT, and the hanging tapestries which both act as baffles to deaden sound and can be lowered to provide screening between areas. Our guide was keen to point out the symbolism of each tapestry – depicting woodland, coastal areas, gardens, agriculture and buildings, with each tapestry, as it were, drawing the eye on to the next. There were work spaces and meeting areas dotted with staff at their computers. A pod cast was being made for the organisation, something to look out for. Several hundred folk work at Heelis but, especially now in post-Covid days, a lot of work is remote and so those several hundred folk are not always in evidence.
What was in evidence, however, were various documents / deeds etc. of historic significance in the life and development of the trust. And we were able to see some famous signatures, including Beatrix Potter and Octavia Hill. There were the deeds of transfer of various local interesting sites to the NT including that of White Horse Hill by the Hon D I Astor in 1979 . It was kind of one of our members, Brian Tuck who has volunteered at Heelis for several years, to suggest and get permission and show us them.
Next we headed for the White Hart at Stratton where dry throats were immediately catered to. Tea and coffee was available on arrival and then after only a short wait, a wonderful buffet lunch appeared (which could, of course, be accompany by further refreshment from the bar!)
Nobody seemed in any rush to leave the Whit Hart, but eventually conversations with old and new friends were curtailed so as to board the coach for the homeward journey.
Many thanks once again to Stella for organising our trips.